Private State Token API
- Getting Started with Private State Tokens - Developer focused explanation of Private State Tokens (formerly known as Trust Tokens).
- API Explainer - high-level description of the problem and initial sketch of the interface.
- Chrome Trust Token Design Doc - currently the normative source for the HTTP API.
- Using the prototype Private State Tokens API - describes the interface as implemented, with examples and error conditions.
- Prototype Issuer Library - C library for Private State Tokens (PrivateTokenV2+).
In order to execute Private State Token operations, you'll need an origin trial token present or to have provided the additional command-line flag --enable-blink-features=PrivateStateTokensAlwaysAllowIssuance --enable-features=PrivateStateTokens,PrivacySandboxSettings3
If you are experimenting with a new issuer, you can manually provide the Private State Token key commitments via the --additional-private-state-token-key-commitments='{ "<issuer origin>": <key commitment response> }'
If you have questions/suggestions related to the web API or protocol that needs clarification, please file an issue at:
If you have questions/suggestions related to the Chrome origin trial or implementation, please file a bug at: Chromium Bug Tracker