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Paint team OKRs

Q1 2017

Code health #wp-predictability

Owner: paint-dev

Improve quality of implementation #wp-predictability #wp-architecture

Understand, maintain and improve performance #wp-performance

Owner: paint-dev

Improve paint/compositing interfaces #wp-performance #wp-health #wp-architecture

Owners: ajuma, chrishtr, paint-dev, wangxianzhu, wkorman

Support other teams' work

Owners: chrome-gpu, paint-dev

Code Health and Future Design

Owner: input-dev-eventing

Support other teams' work

Owners: chrome-gpu, paint-dev

Q4 2016

Code health #wp-health

Owner: paint-dev


0.56P2Improve quality of implementation #wp-predictability #wp-health

Owner: paint-dev

1.00P1Understand, maintain and improve performance #wp-performance

Owner: paint-dev

0.58P2Improve paint/compositing interfaces #wp-performance #wp-health #wp-architecture

Owner: paint-dev

0.46P1Finish cc property tree implementation #wp-performance #wp-health

Owners: ajuma, jaydasika, paint-dev, sunxd

P2New features

Owner: paint-dev

0.93P1Improve paint invalidation correctness and performance #wp-health #wp-performance

Owners: paint-dev, wangxianzhu

Q3 2016

Code health #wp-health

Owners: junov,

paint-dev, schenney

0.40Improve quality of implementation

#wp-predictability #wp-health

Owner: paint-dev

0.97Understand, maintain and improve performance


Owner: paint-dev

0.67Improve paint/compositing interfaces

#wp-performance #wp-health

Owner: paint-dev

0.58Finish cc property tree implementation

#wp-performance #wp-health

Owner: paint-dev

1.00New features

Code health #wp-health

Q2 2016

Code health

Owner: paint-dev

0.40P1Measure performance

Owner: paint-dev

1.00Performance and complexity improvements

Owner: paint-dev

P1Property trees / SPv2 plumbing

Owners: paint-dev, pdr, trchen

1.00P2Support goals of other teams

0.40P1Geometry code improvements for performance, less redundancy, simplicity and correctness

Owner: paint-dev

0.30Improve SVG integration into the document lifecycle

Q1 2016

Code health

Owner: paint-dev

Measure and improve performance

Owner: paint-dev

Progress towards Slimming Paint v2

Owner: paint-dev

Support goals of other teams

Owner: paint-dev

Code quality and cleanup

Owner: paint-dev

Q4 2015

Improve bug triage and fix rate (grade: 0.46)

<img alt="Revision History"


Improve documentation of paint code (grade: 0.13)

Launch components of SlimmingPaintV2 (grade: 0.68)

Implement the new compositing path for Slimming Paint v2 (grade: 0.2)

canvas.toBlob, callback version of the API (grade: 0.8)

ImageBitmap (grade: 0.94)

Ship Display List 2D canvas everywhere (grade: 0.7)

OffscreenCanvas feature implementation (grade: 0.35)

Canvas product stability (grade: 0.40)

Support work to start implementing custom paint (grade: 1.0)

Support work to define time-to-first paint (grade: 1.0)

Improve telemetry testing of paint (grade: 0.0)

Q3 2015

Launch compositor thread property trees (grade: 0.5)

Major progress finishing implementation of Slimming Paint phase 2 (grade: 0.24)

Product excellence: improve bug triage and fix rate (grade: 0.6)

Remove selection gap painting (grade: 0.40)

Support implementation of stopping rAF / lifecycle for non-visible, cross-domain iframes (grade: 1.0)

Implement OffscreenCanvas (grade: 0.13)

Ship canvas filters (stretch) (grade: 0.38)

Refactor 2D canvas (grade: 0.9)

Ship ImageBitmap (stretch) (grade: 0.15)

Accelerate the use of fonts in 2D canvas (grade: 1.0)

Q2 2015

Launch Slimming Paint phase 1 (grade: 0.9)

Working implementation of Slimming Paint phase 2 (grade: 0.0)

Launch property trees for all cc main-thread computation (grade: 1.0)

Design for Custom Paint (grade: 0.8)

Collaborators: blink-houdini, paint-dev

Q1 2015

Overall Score

0.50Implement DisplayItemList backing of existing cc::layers

0.43Use property trees for all cc main-thread computation

0.00Make all composited layer decisions in cc

1.00Consider proposals for paint callbacks and decide whether to support implementation

0.70DevTools timeline invalidation tracking ready for UI review