Make an new Xcode project, use the GUI to make a Bundle project
that uses Core Foundation. |
Add existing NaCl sources |
DEPS in ppapi from chromium, add the C++ sources - create a
Group and add the ppapi files directly. Adding ppapi as a folder
reference doesn't work. |
Set "Header search paths" to point to the chromium ppapi headers
(|SDK_root|/third_party), NOT the built-in NaCl headers. |
Add the SDK root to "Header Search Paths" |
Build the plugin. |
Edit hello_world/hello_world.html so that the embed tag has
type="application/x-hello-world" and no nacl= attribute. |
Instead of handling a onload event in the EMBED tag, you have to
call moduleDidLoad() directly after the EMBED tag. |
Make sure to uncheck "Load Symbols Lazily" in the Debugging
panel of Xcode preferences. |
To debug, you have to use Chromium - best is to get a waterfall
build from http://build.chromium.org/f/chromium/snapshots/Mac/. This
style of debugging is not supported with Google Chrome Dev
Channel |
1. In Xcode, ctrl-click on "Executables" and select "Add Custom
Executable…". |
2. Call the new custom exec, say, "Chromium Dev" |
3. Point it at the .app wrapper for Chromium that you got from
the waterfall, e.g. ~/Downloads/chrome-mac/Chromium.app. |
4. Add these arguments in the Arguments tab: |
1. --user-data-dir=/tmp/nacl-debug-profile |
2. --register-pepper-plugins="$HOME/Source/nacl-sdk/src/examples/hello_world/HelloWorld/build/Debug/HelloWorld.bundle;application/x-hello-world" |
3. --single-process |
4. file://$HOME/Source/nacl-sdk/src/examples/hello_world/hello_world.html |
It is possible to debug a plugin using Chrome Dev channel, but
it's a little more raw: |
1. In a shell, run Chrome like this: Google\\
Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\\ Chrome
file://$HOME/Source/nacl-sdk/src/examples/hello_world/hello_world.html |
2. In Chrome, create a new tab and visit about:memory, this
will list the PID of the plugin tab. |
3. In Xcode, Run -> Attach To Process, then pick the
appropriate PID. |
1. Note: if you get various errors about formatting, just
click "Continue" |