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Debugging a Trusted Plugin on Linux

  1. Get a Chromium check-out. You can usually use the revision from the nacl-sdk DEPS file.
  2. You don’t need to build all of chromium, just pepper.
    1. Go to the src/ directory in your check-out
    2. type: ‘make ppapi_tests’ to build the pepper tests as well as any libraries they depend on. You’ll end up with libppapi_cpp.a and libppapi_cpp_object.a.
  3. Build trusted version of the code
    1. For a C plugin you don’t have to link against anything. ppapi C is all headers.
    2. For C++, you need libppapi_cpp.a and libppapi_cpp_objects.a. Link against ppapi_cpp_objects and ppapi_cpp from chrome.
      1. link order matters: ppapi_cpp_objects has to come before ppapi_cpp
    3. Be sure to specify -fno-rtti and -fPIC since chrome does not build run-time type information by default, and you’ll be generating a shared library as your plugin.
    4. For the linking step, be sure to specify -shared
  4. To load your plugin, your application will need an embed tag. For trusted plugins this should not have a “nacl” but a regular “type” attribute, for example: type="application/x-hello-world"
  5. Unlike with an untrusted plugin, instead of handling a onload event in the EMBED tag, you have to call moduleDidLoad() directly after the EMBED tag.
  6. To debug, you have to use Chromium - best is to get a waterfall for your platform build from You can also finish the chromium build you checked out but be prepared to wait a while. This style of debugging is not supported with Google Chrome Dev Channel
  7. In a shell, launch chrome with the following arguments:
    1. --user-data-dir=/tmp/nacl_debugging_chrome_profile
    2. --register-pepper-plugins="location/of/your/;application/x-hello-world"
    3. --single-process
    4. file://location/of/your/web_page.html
  8. In Chrome, create a new tab and visit about:memory, this will list the pid of the plugin tab.
  9. You can now use gdb to attach to the pid and debug your plugin