HTML5 Forms Status
Dev Contact: tkent@
Updated: October 4, 2013
Note that this page doesn't cover iOS version of Google Chrome because it uses WebKit shipped in iOS.
On stable release
[M5] indicates a feature which is available since Milestone 5, a.k.a. Google Chrome 5.0. [M6] for Google Chrome 6.0.
Common features
autofocus attribute (autofocus property) of input/textarea/select/keygen elements
labels property of form control elements [M6]
willValidate property
validity property
- typeMismatch for <input type=email> and <input type=url>
- valueMissing and required attribute (required property)
- patternMismatch and pattern attribute (pattern property)
- tooLong
- tooLong behavior was updated in [M13]. Values set by a script won't be too long.
- rangeOverflow and max attribute (max property) [M5]
- rangeUnderflow and min attribute (min property) [M5]
- stepMismatch and step attribute (step property) [M5]
- badInput support for number, date, datetime-local, month, time, week. [M25]
- valid as a combination of the above
checkValidity() and 'invalid' event
validationMessage property [M10]
:default, :valid, :invalid, :optional, and :required CSS selectors
- form element doesn't support :valid and :invalid yet.
form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formtarget attributes and the corresponding properties [M9] Note: form property has been supported for a long time though form attribute was not supported.
- formMethod / formEnctype properties of input element, and formMethod / formEnctype properties of button element correctly return normalized values. [M16]
- formMethod property returns empty string if formmethod attribute value is missing. [M26]
- formEnctype property returns empty string if formenctype attribute value is missing. [M26]
'formchange' and 'forminput' events were introduce in [M10], and removed since [M12].
Form element
- Interactive validation [M5] Invalid form controls prevent the form submission, and show a validation message. formnovalidate attribute (formNoValidate property) of submit button is supported. Note: In Google Chrome 6, the interactive validation feature worked only for documents with <!DOCTYPE html>. [M6] Note: In Google Chrome 7, the interactive validation feature was disabled. [M7] Note: In Google Chrome 10, the interactive validation feature was enabled with a bubble UI. [M10]
- enctype="text/plain" support [M17]
- method / enctype properties correctly return normalized values. [M16]
- RadioNodeList support in HTMLFormElement::elements [M21]
Fieldset element
- name and type properties [M19]
- disabled attribute (disabled property) [M20]
- elements property [M21]
Label element
- control property of label element [M6]
- form attribute [M19]
Input element
multiple attribute (multiple DOM property) of <input type=file> and <input type=email>
- <input type=email multiple> allows whitespace around ',' since [M14]
placeholder attribute (placeholder property)
- The behavior of placeholder attribute was changed since [M17]. Placeholder text is shown until a user enters the first letter.
accept attribute for <input type=file> [M8]
- File name suffix support [M21]
files property
- files property is writable. [M21]
dirname attribute of input element [M17]
Support for <input type=hidden name=charset> [M17]
Dedicated UI for <input type=search>
Dedicated UI for <input type=range> (only horizontal)
type attribute (type property) recognizes email, tel, and url
- The UI is same as type=text.
<input type=number> with spin-button UI [M6]
- Supports wheel events [M7]
- Supports auto-repeat by mouse press since [M7]
- Localization of <input type=number> [M11]
- Inserting thousand-separator such as ',' in <input type=number> was disabled since [M14]
- The default width of a number type field with finite min/max/step values is fit to possible maximum digits. [M15]
<input type=color> for Windows, OS X, and Linux [M20]
- ChromeOS [M22]
<input type=date> for Windows, OS X, Linux, and Chrome OS [M20]
Down arrow key to open the calendar popup.Keyboard bindings in the calendar popup:m Next month Shift + m Previous month y Next year Shift + y Previous year d 10 years later Shift + d 10 years past Enter Set the selected date to the field, and close the popup t Select today ESC Close the popup -
<input type=time> [M23]
- Android supports it since [M18]
<input type=month> [M25]
- Android supports it since [M18]
<input type=week> for non-Android [M25]
<input type=datetime-local> [M25]
- Android supports it since [M18]
list attribute, and list property
- text, search, url, tel, and number types. [M20]
- datalist element support for <input type=email> [M21]
- datalist element support for <input type=range> [M22]
- Specified values are shown as tick marks, and the slider thumb snaps on them.
- datalist element support for <input type=color> [M22]
- datalist support for date, and time [M24]
- datalist support for datetime-local, month, and week [M25]
- For unsupported input types, list property returns null.
- Chrome for Android doesn't support list attribute for all input types.
min/max/step/value attribute values for numeric types accepts number strings starting decimal points since [M17]
- ".25" was an invalid number string until [M16], and it's valid since [M17].
stepUp() and stepDown() [M5]
valueAsDate property [M5]
valueAsNumber property [M5]
Removed labels property support of <input type=hidden> [M19]
Indeterminate checkbox [M6]
:out-of-range and :in-range CSS selectors [M10]
height and width properties of input element [M21]
setRangeText() [M24]
type attribute of input element recognized date, datetime, datetime-local, month, time, and week during [M5] to [M15] They were disabled since [M16] because of their incompleteness and UI development
Button element
- type property is writable. [M21]
Select element
- validity.valueMissing and required attribute (required property) [M10]
- selectedOptions property [M22]
Datalist element
- Introduced in [M20] with <input list=id> support
Textarea element
- wrap property [M16]
- placeholder attribute (placeholder property)
- The behavior of placeholder attribute was changed since [M17]. Placeholder text is shown until a user enters the first letter.
- maxlength attribute (maxLength property)
- setRangeText() [M24]
Output element
- Introduced in [M9]
- labels property [M19]
Progress element
- Introduced in [M6]
- Removed form property [M19]
Meter element
- Horizontal meter element was introduced in [M6]
- Removed form property [M19]
Milestone 29
- IDN support for type=email
- <input type=color> for Android
Milestone 30
- <input type=week> for Android
- Buttons, input[type=range], checkboxes, and radio buttons get focus by mouse press.
Milestone 33
- Step base detection takes account of value attribute value.
Not available yet
- datalist support for Android [in-progress]
- inputmode attribute for input and textarea elements [in-progress]
- Dedicated UIs for datetime type with datalist support
- type=number value range update (float → double)
- New behavior of stepUp() and stepDown()
- Newlines for textarea placeholder
- reportValidity()
- minlength and validity.tooShort
- New behavior of min > max case for type=time
- :valid and :invalid CSS selectors for form and fieldset element
- Automatic switching to vertical range, progress, and meter.
- Form controls in vertical writing mode
- CSS Selectors4: :user-error pseudo class
- :indeterminate pseudo class for radio buttons