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Windows Installer Tests


The mini_installer_tests build step is a full lifecycle test of Chrome's Windows installer. The test does variations along the following theme:

Diagnosing Failures

The task output should show detailed installer and Chrome logs in case of failure. The chrome_installer.log is typically generated in \Windows\SystemTemp for system installs, and in %TMP% for user installs.

Running the Tests Locally

First build the mini_installer_tests target. The simplest way to run the test suite (from an elevated cmd prompt) is to first cd into your build output directory and then run the tests like so:

vpython3 ..\..\chrome\test\mini_installer\ [test_name]

Specify individual test names as, for example: installer_test.InstallerTest.test_ChromeUserLevel.

Run it with --help for more options. Note that you should use the vpython that comes with depot_tools as other versions might not work.


Contact grt at chromium dot org.