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Tests Results Dashboard


This is a mini-design doc for the test dashboard at This dashboard helps identify flaky tests and compare test expectations across platforms, including upstream's expectations. It currently supports webkit tests and gtest tests.

The dashboard itself consists of flakiness_dashboard.html and dashboard/dashboard_base.js. In order to minimize maintenance cost, there is no server-side logic. Instead the dashboard grabs JSONP files from each builder. Each builder creates and archives two JSON files that it updates with each run's results. There is one results.json file per builder that holds the results for all runs and there is an expectations.json file that translates src/webkit/tools/layout_tests/text_expectations.txt into JSON that the dashboard can parse. The expectations.json files will be the same on all the bots, so the dashboard can grab it from any of them.

The JSON files are created by It stores them at the top level of the layout test results directory (same place as results.html). On each run, it reads in the results.json file from that location, adds the results from the current run and writes it out again. If it does not exist locally (e.g. if the layout test results directory was deleted), then it grabs it off the archive location on the bot. Once both JSON files have been written, they are both copied to the archive location for the layout test results so that they can be accessed via http from the dashboard.

Once all the JSON files have loaded, the dashboard does a bunch of processing on them and generates the HTML for the page, which is mostly then innerHTMLed. The results.json file also has a bunch of data that is counts of failing tests that is used in the test progress dashboard. For the purposes of the flakiness dashboard, they can just be excluded from the JSON. If they are included, then the layout test progress dashboard would work as well.

The dashboard stores all the relevant state in the URL's hash and uses hashchange events to detect changes. Thus it only works in browsers that support the hashchange event.

Changes needed in order to add upstream

  1. output results.json and expectations.json per builder. See the two notes below marked "For upstream".
  2. Add useUpstreamWebkit. It should mimic what useWebKitCanary does (primarily it just adds a new builders array).
  3. getPlatformAndBuildType: Needs to be modified to understand any new mapping from builderName to platform/buildType
  4. Consider excluding bugs, modifiers, expectations, missing and extra columns from the dashboard since upstream webkit doesn't have a test_expectations.txt file.

See the webkit bug for progress on making the dashboard work for the webkit bots:

JSON file size optimizations

If we store information about every test on every run, the JSON files quickly become many megabytes large. In order to keep the size manageable we do the following:

Incremental updates of JSON files

Currently the JSON files are generated and updated locally, then they are uploaded to the archive location ( In order to improve performance and make it so that the bots don't rely on local state, we will create a local JSON file with just the incremental updates. That JSON file will then be uploaded to the appengine server, which will merge it with the stored JSON file. In that case, the logic of truncating to 750 runs will be in the appengine server.

The JSON format for an incremental update is exactly the same as that of the stored JSON file. The only catch in doing the merge is that the runs being merged in may not be uploaded in order (e.g. if we have multiple builders processing separate runs). So the merge function must take care to look at the buildNumbers array and merge the values in correctly.

JSON file formats

The order of all arrays is from newest run to oldest run. In other words, the results from each run are prepended to the existing results.json file's contents.



"version": NUMBER,


"wontfixCounts": FAILURE_COUNTS,

"deferredCounts": FAILURE_COUNTS,

"fixableCounts": FAILURE_COUNTS,

"fixableCount": ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS,

"allFixableCount": ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS,

"buildNumbers": ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS,

"webkitRevision": ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS,

"chromeRevision": ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS,

"secondsSinceEpoch": ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS,

"tests": {

"TEST": {








BUILDER_NAME: Name of the builder the tests were run on (e.g. Webkit Mac10.5). TEST: Relative path to the test, e.g. "LayoutTests/fast/foo/bar.html". TODO(ojan): Exclude the LayoutTests prefix now that all layout tests live in that directory.

FAILURE_COUNTS: Array of objects mapping single-char failure type to number of failures of that type. The mapping from single-char failure type to the human-readable string used in expectations.json is held in EXPECTATIONS_MAP in dashaboard_base.js.

ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS: An array of numbers.


RUN_LENGTH_VALUE: An array with exactly two items. The first item is the number of runs that this value represents. The second item is the value of the result for that run. The values used for the results are in dashboard_base.js as EXPECTATIONS_MAP. If a test is listed in results.json, but was not run during this run for some reason (e.g. it's skipped), then the 'N' value is used for that run to indicate we have no data for that test for that run. There's a copy below for reference:

var EXPECTATIONS_MAP = { 'T': 'TIMEOUT', 'C': 'CRASH', 'P': 'PASS', 'F': 'TEXT', 'I': 'IMAGE', 'Z': 'IMAGE+TEXT', // We used to glob a bunch of expectations into "O" as OTHER. Expectations // are more precise now though and it just means MISSING. 'O': 'MISSING', 'N': 'NO DATA', 'X': 'SKIP' };

version: The version of the JSON format that we're using. This is so we can make backwards-incompatible changes and know to upgrade the JSON data appropriately. Currently just hard-coded to 1.

wontfixCounts: Number of tests marked WONTFIX broken down by type of failure that actually occurred.

deferredCounts: Number of tests marked DEFER broken down by type of failure that actually occurred.

fixableCounts: Number of tests in test_expectations.txt not marked DEFER/WONTFIX broken down by type of failure that actually occurred.

fixableCount: Number of tests not marked DEFER/WONTFIX that failed.

allFixableCount: Number of tests we not marked DEFER/WONTFIX (includes expected passes and failures)

buildNumbers: The build number for this run on the bot.

webkitRevision: The revision of webkit being used.

chromeRevision: The revision of chorme being used.

secondsSinceEpoch: Number of seconds since the epoch (time.time() in python)

TODO(ojan): Track V8/Skia revision numbers as well so we can better track regressions from V8/Skia.

For upstream results we can exclude chromeRevision and all the count/Counts values. The latter are not meaningful if failing tests are skipped. If that ever changes, then we can change upstream to include these numbers and we can track number of failures over time.

Sample results.json:


"Webkit Mac10.5": {

"wontfixCounts": [


"C": 0,

"F": 105,

"I": 2,

"O": 0,

"T": 1,

"X": 33,

"Z": 11



"fixableCounts": [


"C": 2,

"F": 136,

"I": 725,

"O": 1,

"T": 15,

"X": 8665,

"Z": 25



"tests": {

"LayoutTests/fast/frames/viewsource-attribute.html": {

"results": [






"times": [












"secondsSinceEpoch": [



"fixableCount": [



"allFixableCount": [



"buildNumbers": [



"webkitRevision": [



"deferredCounts": [


"C": 0,

"F": 56,

"I": 0,

"O": 0,

"T": 0,

"X": 7,

"Z": 0



"chromeRevision": [




"version": 1







TEST: Same as above in results.json.

MODIFERS_AND_EXPECTATIONS: object of the following form { "modifiers": MODIFIERS, "expectations": EXPECTATIONS }

MODIFIERS: Space separated string of modifiers. This includes bug numbers (BUG1234), platforms (LINUX, MAC, etc), build types (debug, release), SKIP, DEFER, WONTFIX and SLOW.

EXPECTATIONS: The expected results for this test. TIMEOUT, TEXT, IMAGE, PASS, etc.

For upstream, we should probably make an expectations file that parses all the SKIPPED lists and creates the appropriate expectations file. Something like:


"foo/bar/baz.html", [ {"modifiers": "SKIP LINUX", "expectations": ""}, {"modifiers": "SKIP WIN", "expectations": ""} ],

