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Crash with invalid handle

What is this crash about?

I'm seeing frequent Chrome crashes and the stack looks like this:

[ ] base::debug::BreakDebugger()

[ ] base::win::HandleTraits::CloseHandle()

[ ] base::File::Close()

[ ] net::FileStream::Context::CloseFileImpl()

[bind_internal.h:1169 ] base::internal::Invoker<>::Run()

[ ] base::SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::ThreadLoop()

[ ] base::SequencedWorkerPool::Worker::Run()

[ ] base::SimpleThread::ThreadMain()

[ ] base::`anonymous namespace'::ThreadFunc()

[kernel32.dll + 0x0004ee1b ] BaseThreadInitThunk

[ntdll.dll + 0x000637ea ] __RtlUserThreadStart

[ntdll.dll + 0x000637bd ] _RtlUserThreadStart

or like this:

[ ] base::debug::BreakDebugger()

[ ] base::win::HandleTraits::CloseHandle()

[scoped_handle.h:52 ] base::win::GenericScopedHandle<>::~GenericScopedHandle<>()

[ ] mojo::common::WatcherThreadManager::StopWatching()

[ ] mojo::common::HandleWatcher::SecondaryThreadWatchingState::~SecondaryThreadWatchingState()

[chrome.dll + 0x00238a03 ] mojo::common::HandleWatcher::SecondaryThreadWatchingState::`scalar deleting destructor'()

The relevant part is the first three lines that show that something is being closed and there is an intentional crash because there is an error closing that handle.

These stacks point to a form of corruption in the past, which is only detected when the invalid handle is being closed. Like most forms of corruption, it is not safe to continue execution at this point, but at the time of the crash there is not enough information to know when (and where) the corruption was introduced.

I am seeing Chrome hangs with stacks like this one:

[ntdll.dll + 0x00040da8 ] ZwWaitForSingleObject

[KERNELBASE.dll + 0x00001128 ] WaitForSingleObjectEx

[KERNELBASE.dll + 0x000010b3 ] WaitForSingleObject

[ ] base::PlatformThread::Join()

[ ] base::Thread::Stop()

[ ] content::BrowserProcessSubThread::~BrowserProcessSubThread()

[chrome.dll + 0x0043dcb8 ] content::BrowserProcessSubThread::`scalar deleting destructor'()

[ ] content::BrowserMainLoop::ShutdownThreadsAndCleanUp()

[ ] content::BrowserMainRunnerImpl::Shutdown()

[ ] content::BrowserMain()

This is another manifestation of the same underlying issue: once a handle is corrupt, using it can do anything. If the OS detects that the handle is invalid, the operation generally fails right away. However, if the handle now points to something else, operations may appear to work but do something generally unexpected. The code in this example is simply waiting on the wrong object, so most likely it will never be signaled.

What to do about it

We have better detection baked into the 32-bit builds of Dev and Canary builds of Chrome. In that case, the crash stack will hopefully morph into something that points to the code at fault.

For users:

For bug triage:

For developers:

A Canary build will generate a properly bucketed stack dump like this:

[ ] base::win::OnHandleBeingClosed()

[ ] `anonymous namespace'::CloseHandleHook()

[ ] base::SharedMemory::~SharedMemory()

[ ] content::ResourceBuffer::~ResourceBuffer()

[ref_counted.h:192 ] base::RefCountedThreadSafe<>::DeleteInternal()

[ ] content::AsyncResourceHandler::~AsyncResourceHandler()

[chrome.dll + 0x003af3ae ] content::AsyncResourceHandler::`scalar deleting destructor'()

[ ] content::LayeredResourceHandler::~LayeredResourceHandler()

[chrome.dll + 0x003aebc7 ] content::BufferedResourceHandler::`scalar deleting destructor'()

[ ] content::LayeredResourceHandler::~LayeredResourceHandler()

[chrome.dll + 0x003ae5f8 ] content::ThrottlingResourceHandler::`scalar deleting destructor'()

[ ] content::ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader()

It points to ~SharedMemory as the source of corruption. This means that said code is either double closing a handle somehow (most of the time it is far from obvious how that happens), or it is not really doing anything wrong but it is being blamed anyway. In any case, this code should not be doing manual handle management so it should be refactored to use ScopedHandle instead.

If there is a bug, it most likely will go away with the refactor. If there was no bug, ScopedHandle verifier will stop blaming this code, and the overall reliability of the verifier will go up.