Viewing change logs for Chromium and Blink
The way to generate change logs for Chromium is via gitiles. The format of the URLs is as follows:
"pretty" can be left off. Options are "full" and "fuller".
- Example changelog without pretty option
- Example changelog with pretty=full
- Example changelog with pretty=fuller
JSON format queries:
- add format=JSON to any query (note the ALL CAPS). E.g.:
- The "next" key inside JSON provides a cursor for the next page. Use
it with s=<next_cursor>, e.g.
- The last page will have no "next" key. Also any page except for the first will have a "previous" cursor to page backwards.
- Page size: e.g. n=1000:
Note, that JSON format has a ")]}'" line at the top, to prevent cross-site scripting. When parsing, assert that the first line has ")]}'", strip it, and parse the rest of JSON normally.