We have many packages in the Chromium OS tree. While many come from upstream Gentoo (which can be browsed, there are a good number which are specific to our project. Here you can dive down into them.
Core system
- chromeos: meta package to pull in all dependencies for a Chromium OS install
- chromeos-base: Chromium OS specific config files (usually /etc) and user/group id management
- libchrome: the base / utility library from the Chromium browser (used by many Chromium OS projects)
- libchromeos: custom Chromium OS utility library
- metrics: simplify metrics gathering by other packages
- chromeos-chrome: the Chromium browser
- debugd: daemon for debugging issues
- chromeos-dev: set of packages used in developer images and available by running dev_install in release images
- crash-reporter: crash processing program/uploader
- crosh: interactive shell for running low level commands, running ssh, etc...
- dev_install: install dev packages into a base (release) image
- gmerge: installing packages live onto your device
- google-breakpad: crash reporting and symbol/stack analysis library
- ssh-known-hosts: known ssh keys of Chromium OS servers
- chromeos-factoryinstall
- memento_softwareupdate
- update_engine
- chromeos-coreboot: 1st stage boot loader on x86 platforms
- chromeos-ec: embedded controller firmware for many ChromeOS devices
- chromeos-u-boot: 2nd stage boot loader
- coreboot-utils: utilities for working with coreboot firmeware images
- dtc: device tree (text files which describe hardware layouts) compiler
- flashmap: utility for manipulating firmware images
- vboot_reference: tools for working with verified boot
- vboot_reference-firmware: firmware for supporting verified boot
- xf86-input-cmt: Chromium OS multitouch driver (similar to xf86-input-synaptics, but better!)
- entd: enterprise daemon -- deprecated in favor of libpolicy (in libchromeos package)
- power_manager: userspace daemon for performing power-management-related tasks
Media (Audio/Video)
- adhd: Chromium OS audio server
- cashew: network statistics package -- integrated into shill now
- cromo: modemmanager compatible dbus interface to support closed source modem drivers (which are discouraged)
- flimflam: network manager -- deprecated in favor of shill
- gobi3k-sdk: SDK for working with Qaulcomm's gobi3k devices
- gobi-cromo-plugin: plugin for supporting gobi3k modems with cromo (to be replaced & merged with modemmanager)
- minifakedns:
- mobile-providers:
- modem-diagnostics:
- modem-utilities:
- modemmanager: daemon and libraries for managing modem/mobile devices (such as 3G cellular)
- shill: network manager (similar to the NetworkManager project, but better)
- vpn-manager:
- wpa_supplicant: utilities for managing WiFi 802.11 connections
Security (Crypto/etc...)
- chaps:
- chromeos-ca-certificates: certificates from certificate authorities that the browser in ChromeOS will trust (i.e. https://)
- chromeos-cryptohome: manager for per-user encrypted home storage
- chromeos-minijail:
- libchrome_crypto: the crypto/ utility library from the Chromium browser (used by a few crypto-related Chromium OS projects)
- root-certificates:
- tpm:
- trousers:
- verity: full disk encryption and verification (see dm_verity kernel driver)
- biod: biometrics daemon that is responsible for interfacing with kernel interfaces of biometric devices, securely storing biometric data, and capturing/authenticating biometric input.
- autotest: Chromium OS tests