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ChromiumOS Input Stack

This document summarises the ChromiumOS input stack, from when events leave the input device until the point where they enter Chromium's cross-platform code. Each stage includes links to debugging tools, if available.

Device to Chrome

Flowchart of the stack from device to evdev


This is the method used to transfer data from the device to the CPU, to be read by the Kernel.


I2C is the most common protocol used by input devices that are built into a Chromebook (such as touchpads and touchscreens, as well as internal keyboards on ARM). Typically the two-wire I2C bus is accompanied by a host interrupt line, which the input device uses to inform the host when an event occurs. SparkFun has a good introduction to I2C.

How to watch it: either:


Almost all wired external devices connect by USB. Many wireless devices also use it by including a small USB dongle, which is treated exactly the same as a wired USB device as far as we're concerned.

Although the vast majority of USB input devices are external, occasionally it'll be used for a built-in device, such as the touchscreen on Karma (Acer Chromebase CA24I2).

How to watch it:


Many wireless devices connect this way, either using Bluetooth Classic or Low Energy (BTLE). HID packets are sent to the Kernel by bluez through the uhid interface.

How to watch it: use the btmon command, available on test images, to print all Bluetooth traffic to the terminal.

AT Keyboard Interface

As the name suggests, this is used by the built-in keyboard on x86 Chromebooks. (ARM Chromebooks use I2C instead.)

In the Kernel

Once events are received by the Kernel, drivers decode them into one of two output protocols, called evdev and joydev, which are consumed by userspace (Chrome, in this case).

Where to find logs: run dmesg to print the contents of the Kernel log, or dmesg -w to have it printed in real-time. (These work in Crosh, even without developer mode enabled.) Useful messages to look out for include things like:

Feedback reports include the output of dmesg.


Although it was originally created for USB, the HID protocol has become a standard way of describing input devices and encoding events across a few different transports, including I2C and Bluetooth. If a device uses HID, its basic functionality generally works without a special Kernel driver (though one is often provided to support more advanced features). Frank Zhao's tutorial on HID descriptors is a good introduction to the protocol.

How to watch it: each HID device has a directory in sysfs, at /sys/kernel/debug/hid/<bus ID>:<vendor ID>:<product ID>.<a counter>. (You can find the bus, vendor, and product IDs on the "Input device ID" line output by evtest.) In the directory is an rdesc file containing the descriptor in raw and human-readable form, with a list of mappings applied by the Kernel at the end. There's also an events file with the events being read from the device.

Other useful tools:


Most device drivers read events from HID, but some read from the transport directly. Examples of these include the elants_i2c driver for ELAN touchscreens, atkbd (x86) or cros_ec_keyb (ARM) for internal keyboards, and xpad for Xbox gamepads.

Kernel output protocols


Most drivers communicate input events to userspace using the evdev protocol. Each device is represented by an event node in /dev/input/, which userspace processes (in our case, Chrome) read from and make system calls on. As well as encoding events, evdev specifies what type of events a device supports, so that userspace can decide how to treat it. For full documentation, see the Linux Input Subsystem userspace API docs.

How to watch it: run evtest and choose a device from the list. This will output the list of supported events for the device, and all the events from that device as they come in. evtest is even available in Crosh on Chromebooks that aren't in dev mode, but this version is filtered to remove potentially sensitive data (such as the keys being pressed, or the amount of movement on an axis), so it's less useful.

Other useful tools:

Joystick API, or joydev

The Joystick API predates evdev, and should have been succeeded by it, but it's still used extensively by Chrome's gamepad support. Its devices are represented by js nodes in /dev/input/. It's similar to evdev in many ways, except that it doesn't identify the role of an axis or button, so userspace has to maintain mappings for different gamepads.

How to watch it: run jstest with the path to the js node you want to view.

In Chrome

Flowchart of the Chrome part of the stack

On ChromeOS, evdev is consumed by Ozone, a part of Chrome which converts evdev events into Chrome's cross-platform UI events. Ozone has a number of converter classes, each of which handles a different type of input device. InputDeviceFactoryEvdev decides which to use based on the axes and input properties described by evdev, as follows:

Most end up calling EventFactoryEvdev and possibly CursorDelegateEvdev with the cross-platform events that they output, after which the events are handled in mostly the same way as on any other platform.

Where to find logs: see Chrome Logging on ChromeOS.

Other useful tools:

GestureInterpreterLibevdevCros and the Gestures library

Touchpads, mice, trackballs, and pointing sticks are handled by GestureInterpreterLibevdevCros, a wrapper around the Gestures library (found in platform/gestures). The Gestures library filters the input (to detect palms, for example) and identifies gestures made by the user (e.g. single-finger pointer movement, two-finger scroll, pinch, etc.). It outputs a struct gesture of the corresponding type, which GestureInterpreterLibevdevCros converts to a Chrome event and dispatches.

Internally, the Gestures library is made up of a chain of "interpreters", starting with a base interpreter, then including additional ones for things like palm detection, split touch detection, and click wiggle removal. Different chains are used for different types of device, and the chains are created in

How to watch it: there are DVLOG statements for each gesture type in GestureInterpreterLibevdevCros, which you can activate to show the gestures being produced.

To activate the DVLOG statements, first add the following to the /etc/chrome_dev.conf of a DUT with a debug Chrome build:


Then restart Chrome by running the following command in the shell of your DUT:

restart ui

Other useful tools:

Chrome to other apps

Flowchart of event delivery to apps

Linux apps (Crostini)

When a Linux app is run on ChromeOS, input events are forwarded to it over the Wayland protocol. You can read more about Wayland in the Wayland Book. A Chrome component called Exo (or Exosphere) acts as the Wayland server, and Sommelier is the compositor (running within the VM). If the app in question actually uses the X11 protocol, Sommelier uses XWayland for translation.

How to watch it: you can see the events being sent to an application by running it within Sommelier from your Linux VM terminal, and setting the WAYLAND_DEBUG environment variable. For example, sgt-untangle (from the sgt-puzzles package) is a nice app to play around with in this case:

$ WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 sommelier sgt-untangle

That’ll give you a lot of output as you move the mouse and type, so you probably want to filter it. For example, to only show pointer events:

$ WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 sommelier sgt-untangle 2>&1 | grep wl_pointer

If the app only works with X11, add the -X switch before the name:

$ WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 sommelier -X xeyes

Android apps (ARC++)

ARC++, the container in which Android apps run, also receives input events from Exo over Wayland. These events are then translated into Android input events.