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Collecting Stats for Graphite


We have this amazing and fancy graph displaying utility called Graphite running on chromeos-stats. It's beautiful. You all should use it. This doc is about how to get data into the system so that you can view it in Graphite.

There are two different ways to get data into the system:

The first is to write data to the raw backend of Graphite, which is called carbon. It accepts data in the format of <name> <value> <time>, and one can find a basic interface to sending data to carbon in site_utils.graphite.carbon.

The second is to write data to a service which will calculate statistics over the data you're sending, and then forward it onto carbon. This service is called statsd. It provides better information, as it will calculate min/mean/max, deviation, and provides a more intelligible interface. It also allows for better horizontal scaling in case we ever start logging a truly hilarious amount of stats. (Which we should!)

I would highly recommend using the statsd over carbon unless you have a specific reason to be sending data directly to carbon.


We have in site-packages a library named statsd. This has been wrapped for our purposes in a library located in autotest_lib.site_utils.graphite.stats, which does some connection caching, prepending of autotest server name, and a little other magic. The interface exposed is exactly the same as the one exposed by statsd, and therefore this doc should work as a guide for both. (But you should use the site_utils one!)

This guide serves to be copy-paste-able, so you should be able to take any snippet out of this doc and run it. Therefore, here's the import boilerplate you'll need when messing around with this code from within autotest:

import time import common from autotest_lib.site_utils.graphite import stats

If you prefer, you can find all the code listed in this doc (as of when this was published) in CL 45286.

As you go through and add some stats, or mess with the code shown here, at some point you're going to want to see how the data is shown on Graphite. Navigate to chromeos-stats. Drill down into stats->[stat type]->[your hostname]->[stat name]. Main thing to note here is that statsd dumps all of the stats under stats/, so if you go looking at the root level for [your hostname]->[stat name], you won't find anything. :P

[your hostname] here means "whatever value you have for [SERVER] hostname = in your shadow_config.ini".


The first stat to examine is how to log how long a function takes to run. The easiest target for this is the scheduler tick. Let's define a fake scheduler tick function:

def tick(): time.sleep(10) # Sleeping is a very expensive computation

And now we have a few different ways that we can get the runtime of this function.

We can manually create a timer, and call start() and stop() at the beginning and end of the function:

def tick_manual(): timer = stats.Timer('testing.tick_manual') timer.start() time.sleep(3) timer.stop() tick_manual() # You should now see a point at 3000(ms) in stats/timers/<hostname>/testing/tick_manual

We can also take advantage of the decorator that is attached to the Timer object:

timer = stats.Timer('testing') @timer.decorate def tick_decorator(): time.sleep(5) tick_decorator() # You should now see a point at 5000(ms) in stats/timers/<hostname>/testing/tick_manual

Statsd timers report their value in milliseconds, so if you report a value by hand using send(), you should probably report the time in milliseconds also.


If you're looking to keep track of how frequently something occurs, a counter is a good choice. Statsd receives the counter stat, tallies it over time, and flushes the value of events per second to carbon and resets the counter to zero once every ten seconds. With counters, there are no extra statistics that statsd can compute. The normal ones of min, max, std_dev, etc. make no sense in the context of counters.

# We can increment a counter every time we get an rpc request. def create_job(): stats.Counter('testing.rpc.create_job').increment(delta=1) # .increment() defaults to delta=1, so it could have been omitted for _ in range(0, 10): create_job() # You should now see 1 at stats/<hostname>/testing/rpc/create_job # 1 == 10 events / 10 seconds

There also exists a decrement() on the counter object, but I'm not really sure when one would use it. If you're trying to keep a running tally, you should instead use a:


If you're looking to be able to send in a number, or if your stat doesn't really make sense as a timer or counter, then you should probably use a gauge. A gauge allows you to just report a number. The benefit of using a gauge over just sending raw data is that statsd will still compute the statistics about the stats you're sending like it normally does.

def running_jobs(): stats.Gauge('scheduler').send('running_jobs', 300) running_jobs() # You should now see 300 at stats/gauges/<hostname>/scheduler/running_jobs


Values submitted by an average are automatically averaged against the values in the same bucket at the end of the flush interval. The only use case I can think of for this is if you're trying to measure something in a gauge that's very flaky, which is messing up all of the statistics that are being calculated. However, I can't even think of an example to use in our codebase, so I'm just mentioning this for completeness.


If all else fails, and you don't want any fancy statsd features, you can get statsd to send your data to graphite "pretty much unchanged". Note that the prefixing of your hostname still does happen (assuming you didn't turn it off).

One could use this to log the fact that something happened. Logging something so that there's an obvious spike when you're overlaying graphs doesn't need any sort of statistics calculated about it.

# statsd automatically adds the current time to the data def scheduler_initialized(): stats.Raw('scheduler.init').send('', 100) scheduler_initialized() # 1 will now show up at the current time under stats/<hostname>/scheduler/init

Gathering stats from Whisper via the Command Line

Stats can be queried directly from the command line using

For example: --pretty /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/stats/timers/cautotest/verify_time/lumpy/mean.wsp 

whisper-fetch can also output in JSON and you can specify the range of data you wish to view via the --from and --until command lines. The default is to look at a time slice of 24 hours.

Gathering data directly from Graphite.

Create the graph of the information you are interested and copy the URL. With the URL tack on &format=json and you will receive json formatted output with time slice and data.

For example:


Future Work/Needed Improvements