Detecting dark mode in polymer
How to check for dark mode in Polymer
Polymer, CSS @media at-rule
In a Polymer website or application, I want to detect the color scheme of the browser (light mode or dark mode). I want to use this value as a JavaScript variable.
Use iron-media-query!
Import the library into your custom element's JS file using:
import '//resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-media-query/iron-media-query.js';
Create a declared property in your custom element that will store the dark mode boolean value.
static get properties() { return { isDarkModeEnabled_: {type: Boolean}, }; }
Add the
element into your custom element's HTML file.The
attribute can contain any valid CSS @media at-rule (see "@media" from MDN), but in this case we'll check for dark mode.The
attribute should contain the Polymer property that you want the boolean query result to bind to. Remember to use curly brackets to allow two-way binding.<style> </style> <iron-media-query query="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" query-matches=""> </iron-media-query> <div> // The body of your custom element </div>
You can now use your bound property (
in this example) in your element's code!... if (this.isDarkModeEnabled_) { showDarkModeIllustration(); } else { showLightModeIllustration(); } ...
Example CL
iron-media-query can be used for other applications, including checking for screen width, screen height, device orientation, and whether the user prefers reduced motion.
How to check for dark mode in CSS
You can use the @media at-rule to check for dark mode in CSS:
/* Apply light mode styles */
body {
background-color: white;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
/* Apply dark mode styles */
body {
background-color: black;