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Tips on writing C++ Browser tests

How to fix missing a taskEnvironment member error in a ContentBrowserTest


Browsertest, Threadpool


I am adding a browser test that inherits from the ContentBrowserTest. Before adding a base::test::TaskEnvironment member. I got the following error when running the test:

FATAL components_browsertests[3500133:3500133]: [] Check
failed: instance. Ref. Prerequisite section of base/task/thread_pool.h.
Hint: if this is in a unit test, you're likely merely missing a
base::test::TaskEnvironment member in your fixture (or your fixture is using a
base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment and now needs a full

So I added content::BrowserTaskEnvironment task_environment_; as the first member of the test class as shown below.

class FeedbackDataBrowserTest : public content::ContentBrowserTest {
      : test_shared_loader_factory_(
                &test_url_loader_factory_)) {
    uploader_ = std::make_unique<feedback::FeedbackUploader>(
        /*is_oF_the_record=*/false, scoped_temp_dir_.GetPath(),

  void SetUpOnMainThread() override {


  content::BrowserTaskEnvironment task_environment_;

  scoped_refptr<feedback::FeedbackData> CreateFeedbackData() {
    base::WeakPtr<feedback::FeedbackUploader> wkptr_uploader =
    return base::MakeRefCounted<feedback::FeedbackData>(
        std::move(wkptr_uploader), ContentTracingManager::Get());

Then, I got another error.

FATAL components_browsertests[3499191:3499191]: [] Check
failed: !ThreadPoolInstance::Get(). Someone has already installed a
ThreadPoolInstance. If nothing in your test does so, then a test that ran
earlier may have installed one and leaked it. base::TestSuite will trap leaked
globals, unless someone has explicitly disabled it with


The root cause was that FeedbackUploader is being instantiated in the constructor, before the browser process has initialized. After moving that code into the void SetUpOnMainThread() override, the error is gone.

The browser test fixture provides the following hooks to add custom code to be run before and after each test:

  // Configures everything for an in process browser test (e.g. thread pool,
  // etc.) by invoking ContentMain (or manually on OS_ANDROID). As such all
  // single-threaded initialization must be done before this step.
  // ContentMain then ends up invoking RunTestOnMainThreadLoop with browser
  // threads already running.
  void SetUp() override;

  // Restores state configured in SetUp.
  void TearDown() override;

  // Override this to add any custom setup code that needs to be done on the
  // main thread after the browser is created and just before calling
  // RunTestOnMainThread().
  virtual void SetUpOnMainThread() {}

NOTE: The feedback uploader has this member scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;. All single-threaded initialization is expected done after a browser process is created. Therefore, the code instantiating feedback uploader should be added to SetUpOnMainThread.

class FeedbackDataBrowserTest : public content::ContentBrowserTest {
      : test_shared_loader_factory_(
                &test_url_loader_factory_)) {

  void SetUpOnMainThread() override {

    uploader_ = std::make_unique<feedback::FeedbackUploader>(
        /*is_of_the_record=*/false, scoped_temp_dir_.GetPath(),

  FeedbackDataBrowserTest(const FeedbackDataBrowserTest&) = delete;
  FeedbackDataBrowserTest& operator=(const FeedbackDataBrowserTest&) = delete;

  ~FeedbackDataBrowserTest() override = default;

  scoped_refptr<feedback::FeedbackData> CreateFeedbackData() {
    base::WeakPtr<feedback::FeedbackUploader> wkptr_uploader =
    return base::MakeRefCounted<feedback::FeedbackData>(
        std::move(wkptr_uploader), ContentTracingManager::Get());

  base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir_;
  network::TestURLLoaderFactory test_url_loader_factory_;
  scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> test_shared_loader_factory_;
  std::unique_ptr<feedback::FeedbackUploader> uploader_;

Example CL



Tip: You shouldn't need to create a task environment in browsertests, that's for unittests that aren't running in a full browser environment already

How to verify a function with a callback parameter


Callback, Async


I have a function with a callback parameter. I want to verify that the function will eventually invoke the callback with expected data.

For example, I wanted to test that when the TakeScreenshot function is called, it will eventually notify the callback whether the action is successful or not.

NOTE: TestFuture is nice to use if you only care about the returned values from a callback, but for non-trivial callback handlers it may be better to create your own callback function.

  // Take a screenshot of the primary display if any and persist the data in a
  // field.
  // Returns true in callback if screenshot is taken.
  // Returns false in callback if screenshot is not taken or failed.
  void TakeScreenshot(ScreenshotCallback callback);


One simple way is to use the TestFuture, a Helper class to test code that returns its result(s) asynchronously through a callback:

Key Steps:

  1. Import TestFuture and TaskEnvironment.

NOTE: TaskEnvironment is needed to enable the following APIs within its scope:

  • (Thread|Sequenced)TaskRunnerHandle on the main thread
  • RunLoop on the main thread
  • posting to base::ThreadPool through base/task/thread_pool.h.
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "base/test/test_future.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
  1. Add a new test {value=2}
class OsFeedbackScreenshotManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
  OsFeedbackScreenshotManagerTest() = default;
  ~OsFeedbackScreenshotManagerTest() override = default;

  void SetTestPngData() {

  scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> CreateFakePngData() {
    const unsigned char kData[] = {12, 11, 99};
    return base::MakeRefCounted<base::RefCountedBytes>(kData, std::size(kData));

// Test that TakeScreenshot will skip if a screenshot exists already.
TEST_F(OsFeedbackScreenshotManagerTest, DoNotTakeScreenshotIfExists) {
  base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment task_environment;
  base::test::TestFuture<bool> future;
  auto* manager = OsFeedbackScreenshotManager::GetInstance();
  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, manager->GetScreenshotData());
  EXPECT_EQ(3, manager->GetScreenshotData()->size());


  // Wait for the callback to be invoked and access the value passed to the
  // callback.
  EXPECT_EQ(3, manager->GetScreenshotData()->size());

Example CL



Tip: If the callback takes multiple arguments, use TestFuture::Get<0>() to access the value of the first argument, TestFuture::Get<1>() to access the value of the second argument, and so on.

How to verify a metric is recorded successfully


Histogram, browser tests


After adding some metrics, we wanted to write browser tests to verify the metrics will be recorded correctly.


  1. Step 1: Include header file base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
  1. Step 2: Add a new test
  2. Create an instance of base::HistogramTester
  3. Write test code to test the code where a metric/histogram will be recorded.
  4. Use the ExpectBucketCount method to verify that the number of samples in the bucket of the histogram grew by 1.
  5. Use the ExpectTotalCount method to verify that the number of samples in histogram grew by 1, regardless buckets.
void TestOpenOsFeedbackDialog() {
  base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
  Profile* const profile = ash::ProfileHelper::GetSigninProfile();
  auto login_feedback = std::make_unique<ash::LoginFeedback>(profile);
  // There should be none instance.

  base::test::TestFuture<void> test_future;
  // Open the feedback dialog.
  login_feedback->Request("Test feedback", test_future.GetCallback());

  // Verify an instance exists now.
                                     chrome::kFeedbackSourceLogin, /*expected_count=*/1);
  histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount("Feedback.RequestSource", /*expected_count=*/1);

Example CL


How to skip an individual test when a condition is met


Feature flag, Browser tests


There is a test that is valid only when a feature flag is disabled. Before we can turn on the feature flag by default, we can't remove the test.

Most feature flags are disabled by default. Before staring A/B testing for a feature in Finch, we need to update the fieldtrial testing config to enable the feature in tests. Then, the test incompatible with the feature will break.


  1. Step 1: Include header file testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
  1. In the beginning of the test, call GTEST_SKIP(); when the condition of not running it is true.
  2. Add a TODO for future cleanup.
void TestFeedback() {
  // TODO(http://b/309467654): clean up obsolete code.
  if (ash::features::IsOsFeedbackDialogEnabled()) {
  Profile* const profile = ProfileHelper::GetSigninProfile();
  auto login_feedback = std::make_unique<ash::LoginFeedback>(profile);

  base::RunLoop run_loop;
  // Test that none feedback dialog exists.
  ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, FeedbackDialog::GetInstanceForTest());

NOTE: There are many use cases for GTEST_SKIP. Solving issues with feature flags is just one of them.

Example CL

How to test code that posts tasks and uses BrowserThread::UI/IO?


Threading and tasks, Browser tests


How to test code that posts tasks? If the test uses BrowserThread::UI/IO, instantiate a content::BrowserTaskEnvironment for the scope of the test. Call BrowserTaskEnvironment::RunUntilIdle() to wait until all tasks have run.

Note, the following code using RunLoop may not work. When run_loop.RunUntilIdle() exits, there may still be tasks not completed.

    base::RunLoop run_loop;
    feedback_service->RedactThenSendFeedback(params, feedback_data_,


Step 1: Include header file content/public/test/test_browser_context.h

#include "content/public/test/test_browser_context.h"

Step 2: Instantiate an instance of content::BrowserTaskEnvironment in the test class.

  std::unique_ptr<content::BrowserTaskEnvironment> task_environment_;

Step 3: Ensure that all tasks have completed by calling task_environment_->RunUntilIdle() before proceeding with test expectation verification.

  void RunUntilFeedbackIsSent(scoped_refptr<FeedbackService> feedback_service,
                              const FeedbackParams& params,
                              SendFeedbackCallback mock_callback) {
    feedback_service->RedactThenSendFeedback(params, feedback_data_,

    // Note: task_environment() returns an instance of
    // content::BrowserTaskEnvironment> defined in base class extensions_test.h;

  void TestSendFeedbackConcerningWifiDebugLogs(bool send_wifi_debug_logs) {
    // Code omitted on purpose to highlight the key steps.
    RunUntilFeedbackIsSent(feedback_service, params, mock_callback.Get());
    // Verify the attachment is added if and only if send_wifi_debug_logs is
    // true.
              AttachmentExists("iwlwifi_firmware_dumps.bz2", feedback_data_));

TIP: If the test doesn't use BrowserThread::UI/IO, instead of using content::BrowserTaskEnvironment, instantiate a base::test::TaskEnvironment for the scope of the test. Call base::test::TaskEnvironment::RunUntilIdle() to wait until all tasks have run.

Example CL
