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Debug Button Shortcuts

ChromeOS devices provide a variety of advanced keyboard and button shortcuts that are useful for debugging. We document those here, as well as highlight some differences between devices with and without keyboards.

Devices With Keyboards

See the official support page for non-debug keyboard shortcuts.

Note that some of the below debug keyboard shortcuts are implemented at a very low level and are not keyboard-layout aware. When in doubt, assume debug shortcuts refer to the physical mapping of a US keyboard layout.

Shortcuts with an asterisk (*) also work with tablets/detachables with a keyboard attached.

Functionality Shortcut
Clean shutdown Power button, hold for 3 - 8 seconds
Hard shutdown Power button, hold for 8 seconds
Screenshot capture Ctrl + Switch-Window *
File feedback / bug report Alt + Shift + I *
Powerwash Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R from login screen *
Full system reset Power + Refresh + ChromeOS-Back (F1), hold for 10 seconds. Only works on some models starting in 2023.
EC reset Power + Refresh
Recovery mode See firmware keyboard UI section
Developer mode See firmware keyboard UI section
Battery cutoff (newer devices) Press and hold the Refresh key, and tap Power. Then, while holding Refresh, disconnect the power adapter cord for 5 seconds.
Battery cutoff (older* devices) While pressing the Power + Refresh keys, disconnect the power adapter cord for 5 seconds.
Warm AP reset Alt + Volume-Up + R
Restart Chrome Alt + Volume-Up + X *
Kernel panic/reboot Alt + Volume-Up + X + X *
Reboot EC but don't boot AP Alt + Volume-Up + Down-Arrow
Force EC hibernate Alt + Volume-Up + H
Override USB-C port used for charging Left-Ctrl + Right-Ctrl + Search + (0 or 1 or 2) *
Virtual terminal switching Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or F2, F3, F4) *


Firmware Keyboard Interface

Some devices do not support Esc + Power + Refresh for entering Recovery Mode:

Note: An additional, deeper reset (with forced memory retraining) can be triggered on some devices on the way to recovery mode by holding Left-Shift during the normal recovery sequence (i.e., Left-Shift + Esc + Refresh + Power).

Devices Without Keyboards


Starting in 2018, keyboardless ChromeOS devices are being built, in tablet and detachable form factors. Without a keyboard, some typical keyboard-based debugging shortcuts can't be supported. Below are the shortcuts for performing various system and debugging tasks with only the limited physical buttons and touch screen found on tablets or detachable devices.

Note that some of the following behaviors work on convertible devices when used in tablet mode.

Note: If the tablet has a detachable keyboard, remember to detach it before trying these shortcuts.

Functionality Shortcut
Screen off Power button, short press
Clean shutdown Power button, hold for 3 seconds, select option in menu
Hard shutdown Power button, hold for 10 seconds
Screenshot capture Power + Volume-Down, short press
File feedback Power button, hold for 3 seconds, select option in menu
EC reset Power + Volume-Up, hold for 10 seconds
Recovery mode See firmware menu UI section
Developer mode See firmware menu UI section
Battery cutoff Power + Volume-Up, hold down, remove power for 5 seconds
Warm AP reset See EC debug mode section
Restart Chrome See EC debug mode section
Kernel panic/reboot See EC debug mode section


Firmware Menu Interface

The boot firmware screen is accessible through keyboard shortcuts on devices with keyboards; on keyboardless devices, the following methods are supported:

Note: An additional, deeper reset (with forced memory retraining) can be triggered on some devices on the way to recovery mode by holding Power + Volume-Up + Volume-Down for 30 seconds (until the LED starts flashing).

EC Debug Mode

Not all debugging shortcuts are implemented with a simple combination of buttons—some are found by utilizing multi-button sequences, initiated after entering a special EC state called "debug mode". To enter debug mode, press Volume-Up + Volume-Down for 10 seconds. Release once the charging LED starts flashing. Once in debug mode, any of the following actions can be taken, using Volume-Up (U) and Volume-Down (D) buttons.

Supported codes:

Functionality Sequence
Restart Chrome UD
Kernel panic/crash UUD
Warm reset DU

Debug mode is cancelled when a sequence finishes, or after 10 seconds without a volume button press.

Firmware Log Viewer

For boards launched after Oct 2020 (such as puff, zork, volteer), the firmware menu UI supports viewing debug info/firmware logs (by selecting "Advanced options" then "Debug info"/"Firmware log"). Navigation is as easy as selecting "Page up", "Page down" buttons from the menu.

For boards launched after Nov 2023 (such as rex, geralt), the text area in the log viewer is enlarged, and the screen becomes menu-less (see the screenshot below).

Firmware log viewer

The following on-device buttons and keyboard shortcuts are supported for navigation.

Functionality Shortcut for Devices With Keyboards Shortcut for Devices Without Keyboards
Page up Up-Arrow Volume-Up
Page down Down-Arrow Volume-Down
Back Enter Power button, short press
First page Left-Arrow
Last page Right-Arrow
Previous boot stage Ctrl + Z
Next boot stage Ctrl + X