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Test Chromium

Building and running tests

Create a build configuration for testing (you can use Default for both virtual ChromeOS on the desktop and for testing):

~/chromium/src $ gn gen out/Default --args="
    is_chrome_branded = true
    is_official_build = false
    optimize_webui = false
    target_os = \"chromeos\"
    use_remoteexec = true"

Some tests may be disabled when running locally in debug mode due to dbg flakiness or if they're testing functionality that only applies to official builds like webui optimization. Add is_debug=false to gn args to run these tests.

Use to run all tests in a file or directory. For example:

# Run all tests in the file
$ tools/ -C out/Default --run_all ./extensions/browser/api/bluetooth_socket/

# Run all tests in the bluetooth_socket directory
$ tools/ -C out/Default --run_all ./extensions/browser/api/bluetooth_socket

Alternatively, find the target your test resides in and invoke that directly. You can most easily do this by plugging your test file path into gn refs. For example, plugging in the test file //extensions/browser/api/bluetooth_socket/ like so:

$ gn refs out/Default //extensions/browser/api/bluetooth_socket/ --all --testonly=true --type=executable

provides //extensions:extensions_browsertests. You can then build this test target like so:

$ autoninja -C out/Default/ extensions_browsertests

Then, to run all the tests under extensions_browsertests, you can run

$ ./out/Default/extensions_browsertests

To specifically run a given test or set of tests, use the --gtest_filter argument (allows wildcard matching to capture multiple tests):

$ ./out/Default/extensions_browsertests --gtest_filter=*BluetoothSocket*

Or even specify a specific test method:

$ ./out/Default/extensions_browsertests --gtest_filter=BluetoothSocketApiTest.Listen

To enable verbose logging during a test, add the appropriate args for the desired module and logging level like so:

$ ./out/Default/extensions_browsertests --gtest_filter=*BluetoothSocket* --vmodule=*bluetooth*=1,*dbus*=1,*bluez*=2

To run browser tests over an SSH connection, an additional script is required to simulate an attached display for the browser window to draw on.

$ testing/ ./out/Default/extensions_browsertests --gtest_filter=*BluetoothSocket*

For help with writing unit tests see:

For more see: