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OOR-CORS: Out of Renderer CORS

CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is a standardized mechanism to negotiate access permissions among the web browser and servers for a visiting site. See, MDN's document for details.

Chrome 79 will replace the CORS implementation to be more secure. As a result, there are behavior changes for several reasons, and it will cause compatibility issues. New CORS implementation, aka OOR-CORS, will be rolled out incrementally, starting on January 6th, 2020, over the following several weeks. For WebView, it will be enabled later so that WebView based applications can migrate safely. It will probably happen at Chrome 83-84.

For enterprise users, we are providing Enterprise Policies to mitigate the compatibility issues, or manage to use the legacy CORS implementation until Chrome 82. See Chrome Enterprise release notes - Chrome 79 for details. These are available on the Chrome Admin Console now.

Extra Resources for WebView developers

We have a document for WebView specific details to clarify CORS behaviors on Android/WebView specific schemes, APIs and so on. Please check the document, CORS and WebView API.

Behavior Changes by OOR-CORS

Resource Timing API does not count CORS preflight request as a separate entry

With the legacy CORS, Resource Timing API counts CORS preflight request as a separate entry. But this is not aligned with the spec requirement. Once the OOR-CORS is rolled out, it does not. See the relevant crbug entry for detailed discussion.

Cross-origin redirects for <img crossorigin=anonymous> do not send Cookies any more

With the legacy CORS, Chrome had a bug to send cookies even after cross-origin redirects, though this violated the spec. Once the OOR-CORS is rolled out, it does not.

XHR failures for intent://... will dispatch readystatechange and error events (Android only)

With the legacy CORS, Android Chrome had a bug to fail silently without notifying any error on fetching intent:// over XHR. Once the OOR-CORS is rolled out, it will dispatch readystatechange and error events correctly. For other APIS, image loading, Fetch API, and so on, it correctly reports errors until today, and from now on.

Extensions' webRequest API (Desktop only)

There are announced API changes. See the API document, chrome.webRequest, for details. There are three major changes explained as "Starting from Chrome 79," in the document.

Internally modified requests will also follow the CORS protocol

With the legacy CORS, internally modified requests didn't follow the CORS protocol correctly. For instance, Chrome sometime injects extra headers in enterprise uses for access controls. In such case, Chrome won't send CORS preflight even for the case that the modified requests does not meet the "simple request" conditions. But once the OOR-CORS is fully enabled, Chrome will follow the CORS protocol strictly even if the request is modified by intermediate code as it can as possible. This also affects Chrome Extensions, and part of the announced API changes are related to this enforcement. This behavior change may affect Chrome Extensions that intercepts and modifies requests to Google services or responses from Google services.

Behavior Changes by Other Blink Updates

BUG: Redirects from allowlisted content scripts blocked by CORB+CORS in Chrome 79

See There is a temporary breakage in the original CORS implementation at Chrome 79. This will be fixed by enabling OOR-CORS or updating to Chrome 80.

CSS -webkit-mask starts using CORS-enabled requests from Chrome 79

See and This will result in observing CORS related errors if the same URL is also requested by other no-cors requests and the server does not care for HTTP caches. CORS protocol and HTTP caches section in the fetch spec will help you to understand the problem.

Origin header from Extensions' background page is changed from Chrome 80 (may be postponed for breaking many?)

See When Chrome sends a request from Extensions' background page and Origin header is needed, chrome-extensions://<extensions id> has been set. But from Chrome 80, the origin of the target URL will be used.


If a site stops loading sub-resources correctly, or stops working correctly, please open the DevTools and see the console to check if there are CORS related errors. You may see the following keywords:

You can check all keywords in the relevant source code if you are interested in.

If there are, something OOR-CORS incompatible issues may happen.

The first check point for desktop users is Chrome Extensions. As explained in the behavior changes, there are some API changes, and some Chrome Extensions may not follow up the change. You can try a new Chrome profile to see if the same problem happens without any Chrome Extensions. If it solves the problem, one of your installed Chrome Extensions may cause the issue. You can disable each Chrome Extensions at chrome://extensions/ step by step to find the problematic one. Once you find the one, please report the issue to the Chrome Extensions developers. For enterprise users, there is a workaround, CorsMitigationList. If you set this policy (empty list is also fine), all Chrome Extensions run in a compatible mode. This will cause small negative performance impact, but it will work.

If you are a bit familiar with CORS, you can do further debugging to have a crafted workaround or to find a solution. If you see CORS preflight failures in the logs, and you are sure that the target server does not handle CORS preflight correctly, you can craft the CorsMitigationList not to send a preflight request for such condition. You will put your seeing non-standard HTTP header name into the CorsMitigationList. For instance, if the CORS preflight has the following line in the request header:

Access-Control-Request-Headers: my-auth,my-account

adding "my-auth" and "my-account" into the CorsMitigationList will stop sending the CORS preflight for the case. Registered header names will be exempted from the CORS preflight condition checks as CORS-safelisted request headers. Note that this may allow malicious attackers to exploit through potential server side vulnerability on handling these headers.

CORS releated detailed network transaction can not be observed via DevTools' Network tab. You need to take a NetLog dump for further investigation. You can use ==netlogchk.html== to analyze the obtained NetLog dump to see if there is CORS related error. NetLog Viewer is general purpose online tools to check details on the dump.

The last resort for enterprise users is CorsLegacyModeEnabled. It will allow you to use the legacy CORS instead of OOR-CORS. For other users, setting chrome://flags/#out-of-blink-cors to Disabled will have the same effect. But this option will be removed at Chrome m83. So please be careful about that. You should contact us through this bug report link. Concrete repro steps or NetLog dump will help us and make investigation smooth.

WebView Specific Information

OOR-CORS will be launched for WebView in M83 incrementally. We will start enabling the feature step by step from Jun.1st, 2020.

Mitiation: Enterprise policies are not available on WebView, but the OOR-CORS can be controlled via WebView DevTools per device basis. The document says the tool is supported in WebView 84+. But, actually, it experimentally supports OOR-CORS feature control in WebView 83. The device needs to enable USB debugging to inactivate the OOR-CORS. But once the setting is changed, users can disable the debugging mode.

NetLog dump: WebView does not allow end users to take NetLog dump, and “userdebug” or “eng” builds of Android system are needed to take. See Net debugging in WebView for details.

DevTools: End users can not use DevTools for remote debugging as they do for Chrome. This is because the debugging functionality is disabled by default on recent Android systems. WebView application developers can modify their application code to allow remote debugging to debug CORS issues. See the article, Remote Debugging Webviews.

Bug Reports: Please file a report from this link (Components: Blink>SecurityFeatyre>CORS, Blink>Loader,Mobile>WebView; CC: Early reports without strong confidence are welcomed as the team wants to get early feedback so that the team can provide a fixed binary ASAP.

Information for Chrome Developers

FYI Builders

Now the OOR-CORS is enabled by default on the main waterfall, and OOR-CORS enabled fyi bots were turned down. Insteads Blink-CORS bots are running to monitor legacy Blink implementation.

linux-oor-cors-rel (turned down)
