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Browser Tests


Browser tests are the framework used for integration tests of Chrome. As the name implies, they run inside the browser process.


In the beginning, Chrome integration tests were in a ui_tests binary which used automation to control and inspect a running Chrome. This was problematic because every time we wanted access to an object in the browser process, we had to add new automation hooks. It also made debugging hard because two processes had to be debugged (the test process and the browser process). In response to this, browser_tests was added. This is a binary which has the Chrome code compiled into it, as well as test code. The test code runs after browser process initialization and after a window has been created. Each test runs in a new browser process, to avoid tests impacting each other.

Test Binaries

These are the current browser test binaries:


To write a browser test, instead of using the TEST_F GTEST macro, use IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F, which requires src/content/public/test/browser_test.h.

The parent class of the test depends on which binary it's in:

Both browser tests in src/content and src/chrome have access to a collection of test utilities for browser tests in src/content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h. This includes things like simulating input events, executing JavaScript and getting the result, modifying cookies etc... This is in addition to test utilities available to all tests (browser tests and unit tests) that are in src/content/public/test/test_utils.h. This includes things like running nested message loops.

Also include testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h, rather than relying on browser_test.h including it for you.

Browser tests in src/content and src/chrome have their own utility headers for interacting with the window, to add helpers for waiting for a new window to be added, navigating, getting the location of a test file etc.. Tests in src/chrome use src/chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h, while tests in src/content use src/content/public/test/content_browser_test_utils.h.

An example test in browser_tests would like:

IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InProcessBrowserTest, Foo) {
  GURL test_url = ui_test_utils::GetTestUrl(test_dir, test_file);
  ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), test_url);
  content::WebContents\* web_contents = ...
  // Inspect C++ objects and modify them now.

In general, existing tests provide the best examples on how to write a new test. Look at the browser_tests and interactive_ui_tests targets in the chrome/test build file, or the content_browsertests target in content/test build file to see a list of tests.


Per above, each test runs in a new browser process. To aid in debugging, you can start the browser test binary with --single-process-tests flag (along with --gtest_filter=Foo.Bar). That way you can attach to the process that just got created, which will contain the test code. In this mode, make sure the filter only executes one test. Running more than one test will likely result in undefined behavior because the test fixture does not attempt to reinitialize any global state.

To prevent the test from timing out while debugging, try playing with switches like --ui-test-action-max-timeout=1000000 --test-launcher-timeout=1000000. Although the test tries not to time out while a debugger is attached, if you use --renderer-startup-dialog to attach a debugger to the renderer process, the test can time out in the meantime.

Browser tests do not show pixel output by default, i.e. only a blank white window is shown. Use --enable-pixel-output-in-tests to change this. If you prefer to hide the window completely, follow these instructions to setup a virtual display using Xvfb and openbox and then set DISPLAY environment variable to redirect pixel output.

In case you are debugging JavaScript browser tests (e.g. tests defined in cr_settings_browsertest.js), it can be helpful to add debugger; statements and to pass --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs. This way the browser test will automatically halt when the debugger; statement is hit, allowing you to inspect the execution state via DevTools.

Customizing The Test Harness

To allow more customization (such as changing the command line flags of the browser process, i.e. to enable features that are off by default), the test fixture can derive from InProcessBrowserTest or ContentBrowserTest and override some methods. See their shared base class, BrowserTestBase, for more information

Tests Spanning Restarts

A test can span a restart of the browser process. This is useful in testing that something persisted, as an example. To do this, use the PRE prefix:

IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InProcessBrowserTest, PRE_Foo) {
  // Do something.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InProcessBrowserTest, Foo) {
  // Verify something was done.

Each test above was run in a separate browser process, but the data directory of the profile was the same.

Tests That Don't Run By Default

Something that often comes up is that a team wants to run a browser test based binary on their own bots. They can create a new binary, but that slows down the build for all bots. Instead, the tests should be put in browser_tests or content_browsertests with a MANUAL_ prefix. That way the test is compiled into the same binary that's used for all tests, but doesn't run by default on bots. It's only used when --run-manual is passed. The team's bots can then run browser_tests with --run-manual --gtest_filter=FooTeam\* .

Running Tests

ninja -C out/Release browser_tests

Works, but can take an hour or more, even on a fast machine.

browser_tests also has lots of options which you can see via --help. Most useful are:

For example, on linux use the following:

xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" ./out/Default/browser_tests

For more info, we have an entire separate page to explain how to run browser_tests on specific platforms.


To avoid flakiness tests are not allowed to access the network. This is enforced by content::BrowserTestBase::SetUp() through its instantiation of content::TestHostResolver.

Some tests may need to use multiple origins to test their code paths; one common way this is done is to redirect all origins to localhost: host_resolver()->AddRule("*", "")

A small number of tests exercise code paths that make requests to Google domain. Due to the included HSTS preload list in Chrome's networking code, your test will need to use an EmbeddedTestServer that's configured for https. Additionally, you will need two more switches:

  1. switches::kIgnoreCertificateErrors: needed since the test server only has a valid certificate for localhost
  2. switches::kIgnoreGooglePortNumbers: needed since production code only allows known ports (80/443) for Google domains