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The Chromium Projects

API Specification

This is a DRAFT specification and subject to change.

Note that the latest version of the spec is here: but this page reflects what's implemented in the latest version of Chromium.

The Notification interface

This interface represents a notification object.

interface Notification : EventTarget {

// display methods

void show();

void cancel();

// event handler attributes

attribute Function ondisplay;

attribute Function onerror;

attribute Function onclose;

attribute Function onclick;




event listener function corresponding to event type "display". This listener must be called when the notification is displayed to the user, which need not be immediately when show() is called.


event listener function corresponding to event type "error". This listener must be called when the notification cannot be displayed to the user because of an error.


event listener function corresponding to event type "close". This listener must be called when the notification is closed by the user. This event must not occur until the "display" event.


event listener function corresponding to event type "click". This listener must be called when the notification has been clicked on by the user.



Causes the notification to displayed to the user. This may or may not happen immediately, depending on the constraints of the presentation method.


Causes the notification to not be displayed. If the notification has been displayed already, it must be closed. If it has not yet been displayed, it must be removed from the set of pending notifications.

The NotificationCenter interface

The NotificationCenter interface exposes the ability for web pages to create Notification objects.

interface NotificationCenter {

// Notification factory methods.

Notification createNotification(in DOMString iconUrl, in DOMString title, in DOMString body) throws(Exception);

optional Notification createHTMLNotification(in DOMString url) throws(Exception);

// Permission values

const unsigned int PERMISSION_ALLOWED = 0;

const unsigned int PERMISSION_NOT_ALLOWED = 1;

const unsigned int PERMISSION_DENIED = 2;

// Permission methods

int checkPermission();

void requestPermission(in Function callback);


The NotificationCenter interface is available via the Window interface through the webkitNotifications property.

interface Window {


attribute NotificationCenter webkitNotifications;





Creates a new notification object with the provided content. iconUrl contains the URL of an image resource to be shown with the notification; title contains a string which is the primary text of the notification; body contains a string which is secondary text for the notification. If the origin of the script which executes this method does not have permission level PERMISSION_ALLOWED, this method will throw a security exception.


The parameter url contains the URL of a resource which contains HTML content to be shown as the content of the notification. If the origin of the script which executes this method does not have permission level PERMISSION_ALLOWED, this method will throw a security exception. In Chromium, only http:, https:, and chrome-extension: schemes are allowed for url.


Returns an integer, either PERMISSION_ALLOWED, PERMISSION_NOT_ALLOWED, or PERMISSION_DENIED, which indicates the permission level granted to the origin of the script currently executing.

  • PERMISSION_ALLOWED (0) indicates that the user has granted permission to scripts with this origin to show notifications.
  • PERMISSION_NOT_ALLOWED (1) indicates that the user has not taken an action regarding notifications for scripts from this origin.
  • PERMISSION_DENIED (2) indicates that the user has explicitly blocked scripts with this origin from showing notifications.


Requests that the user agent ask the user for permission to show notifications from scripts. This method should only be called while handling a user gesture; in other circumstances it will have no effect. This method is asynchronous. The function provided in callback will be invoked when the user has responded to the permission request. If the current permission level is PERMISSION_DENIED, the user agent may take no action in response to requestPermission.

Lifetime of notifications

If the page which generates a notification was generated is closed, the notification itself will not be closed, but events will not be delivered, as the script execution context is no longer present.