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The Chromium Projects

Windows Quick Start

This tutorial is meant as an expedited way to get Chromium-based browsers deployed and configured on a Windows network, by deploying an MSI and applying group policy. For further configuration, please reference the other documentation at 1. Download the MSI.

Download the Google Chrome MSI. 2. Download the ADM / ADMX template. You can download the ADM template or ADMX template here. 3. Configure the settings for your network. Open up the ADM or the ADMX template you downloaded with these steps:

ADM file import:

ADMX file import:

Change the configuration settings for the target group of users. The policies you will be most interested in are:

A full list of supported policies is here. You should then apply the policies to the target users / machines. Depending on your network’s configuration, this may require time for the policy to propogate, or you may need to propogate those policies manually via administrator tools. 4. Push the MSI out to your network. If you are using SMS or other tools, use these to push out the Google Chrome MSI as you would any other installation bundle. Otherwise, you can run the MSI on the target machines directly, and silently, with this command:

Msiexec /q /I GoogleChrome.msi

5. Test your installation. On a target machine, launch Google Chrome. The settings you applied in step 3 should be noticeable on the test machine. Congratulations! If the policies have not propagated to the test machine / user, you may be able to run “gpupdate” to refresh policy settings.